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with the Development Programme and Nutritional Balancing Science
Near InfraRed Sauna
Nowadays a core practise in administering nutritional balancing therapy.
detoxifying and invigorating
cooler, more comfortable temperatures
antioxidative and cell regenerative
skin rejuvenation
benefits of exercise without the exertion
stimulates/ improves circulation
fever therapy - induced body temperature combats pathogens
inhibits sympathetic nervous system allowing time for rest and healing
hastens tumour and mutative cell death
decongests internal organs
A new modality for nutritional balancing
Although not included in Dr Eck's original program, this form of sauna treatment is of great significance in the elimination of body toxins. Indeed, Dr Wilson declares that he has 'rarely seen such an impressive aid for healing many diverse conditions'.
Historical background
Sweat lodges, steam rooms and the like have been in use by mankind since ancient times. Beyond cleansing the skin, the principle benefits were in detoxification, invigoration of the circulatory system and the overall maintenance of a healthy constitution. From the ancients, Rome's social baths and the spiritual uses of native American lodges through the saunas of the Finns and Baltic races, among others, the advantages were realised and perpetuated.
So why infrared?
While traditional saunas transmit most of their heat through air and water by convection and conduction, infrared radiates energy which penetrates the skin and heats the tissues underneath as well as superficially. To produce the desired purgative effect that sweating provides, traditional saunas require high air temperatures which can be demanding on the body and tolerance of the individual. Yet infrared produces the same results at more comfortable, ambient temperatures, penetrating up to 3 inches below the skin carrying heat deep in to the body.
And why near infrared?
Near infrared rays are antioxidative, help wound healing and cellular regeneration, support metabolic processes and decouple toxins from water.
It is one of the least costly and safest ways to eliminate toxins, using incandescent heat lamps that are commonly available.
Far infrared saunas should be avoided as they give off stray electromagnetic fields that may be extremely harmful.
- Skin rejuvenation. Sauna use slowly restores elimination through the skin. The skin is the largest organ of the body and a major eliminative channel. In most people, it is inactive, congested and toxic. Sun exposure, use of synthetic clothing, bathing in chlorinated water and exposure to hundreds of chemicals damage the skin. Excessive sympathetic nervous system activity and emotions such as fear, anger and guilt cause blood to be withdrawn from the skin, contributing to inactivity of the skin.
- Enhanced sweating. Sweating in a sauna is a by-product of applying heat to the body. The sweating process gently and safely helps eliminate all heavy metals and toxic chemicals. Medical studies demonstrate that most toxins can be eliminated through the skin, relieving the burden on the kidneys and liver. Sweating increases dramatically in most people after several months of daily sauna use.
- Sweating during exercise is not nearly as effective for detoxification because exercise activates the sympathetic nervous system. Sympathetic nervous activity inhibits toxin elimination.
- Exercise benefits. Saunas provide many of the benefits of exercise with much less expenditure of energy. These include enhanced circulation and oxidation of the tissues. Repeated sauna use can lower elevated blood pressure and improve the elasticity of the arteries. Saunas are most helpful for cardiovascular rehabilitation, arthritis, allergies, skin conditions and chemical sensitivity.
- Decongesting the internal organs. Heating the body powerfully shunts blood toward the skin to dissipate heat. This decongests the internal organs and greatly stimulates circulation. Sinuses, joints and many other tissues benefit greatly.
- Fever therapy (hyperthermia) for infections. Raising body temperature powerfully assists the body to kill bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses. Many people have a low body temperature and, for this reason, cannot get rid of chronic infections. Common sites of infections are the sinuses, ears, eyes, bladder, throat and intestines.
- Tumours, radiation poisoning and mutated cells. Hyperthermia also helps kill other types of abnormal cells. Tumours, for example, tolerate heat poorly. Raising body temperature hastens their death. Though not a conventional method, hyperthermia is a well-researched therapy for cancer. Heat also disables or kills cells mutated by radiation or damaged by other toxins.
- Inhibiting the sympathetic nervous system. This is tremendous benefit not offered by many therapies of any kind. It enables the body to relax, heal and regenerate itself much faster, causing recovery from many types of ailments.
- Oxygenating and hydrating the cells and organs, and improving circulation.